Seed Treatment :: Methods


What is?

Rhizobial coating is to enriching the rhizosphere microenvironment with organic nutrients for early establishment.


  • Take the seeds in a plastic tray
  • Add proper quantity of adhesive (cool maida 10% gruel) to the seeds or jaggery
  • Shake gently so that the adhesive spreads evenly on all the seeds
  • Sprinkle the required biofertilizer (Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobactor) evenly over the seeds and continue shaking.
  • The wet seed surface will attract the biofertilizer and result in even coating over the seeds
  • Roll the seed for uniformity
  • Shade dry the seed

Seed rhizobial coating with 10% maida gruel @ 200-300ml/ kg of seeds and coating with biofertilizer @ 200-300 g per kg of seed improve the field emergence of green gram, black gram, cotton, tomato and brinjal.


  • Seeds should not spill while shaking
  • Adhesive should not be added excess. Since it will lead to formation of seed dumps.
  • Inadequate application of adhesive will result in uneven seed coating
  • Separate the seeds dumps formed, if any manually.
  • Empty the seeds on a sheet of paper and allow it to dry for a day.


  • It improves fertility at rhizosphere region with organic matter.
  • The mechanical planting of seeds is facilitated.
  • Seed are uniform in size and shape
  • Easy handling of seed
  • In mechanical separation seed flow easily which prevent dumping together
  • Small and irregular shaped seeds can be handled easily by pelleting which changes the shape of the seeds.
  • Permits precision planting in very small seeds which results in uniform seedling emergence
  • Improved ballistics properties. Pelleting increases the weight of seed therefore increase the capacity of aerially sown seed to penetrate in to standing vegetation in tree species.
  • Handling of small seeds is made easy which in turn reduces the seed rate.

Updated : Jan, 2016


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